Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ch 1 vobab!

Refugee - a person who flees for refuge or safety, esp. to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.

Typical kids in the refugee camp Pictures, Images and Photos

Fatigue - weariness from bodily or mental exertion.

The girl suffered from fatigue and dehydration.

fatigue Pictures, Images and Photos

Translucent - permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects, etc., on the opposite side are not clearly visible

The ghost was creepy and translucent.

church ghost Pictures, Images and Photos

Mesmerize - to hypnotize.

The hypnotist mesmerized the woman.

hypnotize Pictures, Images and Photos

Plagued & malnourishment - an epidemic disease that causes high mortality; pestilence.

The city was plagued with bad crops which caused malnourishment.

Little Carmen.  She suffers from malnourishment. Pictures, Images and Photos

Verandah - a large, open porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed, as by a railing, often extending across the front and sides of a house; gallery.

They relaxed on the verandah on the hot summer days.

verandah 6 Pictures, Images and Photos

Cradling - any of various supports for objects set horizontally, as the support for the handset of a telephone.

The new mother was cradling her newborn.

baby Pictures, Images and Photos

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