Thursday, October 29, 2009

ch. nine questions

1. What sounds do the boys hear? Describe.
The boys hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. They describe it as thunder.

2. How does the Ocean help him remain at peace during war? Tell me a spot that keeps you calm.
The beach is relaxing to them, it seems like a place where they could act like boys again. The beach also keeps me calm, especially at night time.

3. Describe the clusters of huts on the beach.
There were a cluster of abandoned huts, motars were on the floor. It looked as if the rebels had already captured the village.

4. Who ambushed the boys? What did they do to the boys?
The villagers of that village captured them and took their shoes.

5. Why did they attach the young boys? Tell me a time when you were mistaken to be something you are not.
they thought the boys were rebels.

6. Why was it a bad punishment taking their shoes from the boys?

the sun was around 120 degrees and they had to walk far in the sand bare foot.

7. Why were his group of boys crying without sound?
They were all dehydrated, and tired and in great pain.

8. What did the strange man do for the boys?
helet them stay in his hut, brought, them food, and taught them to care for their burns.

9. Who is Musa? Describe him.
Musa's face was round, and so were his ears. He was short and bulky and he had big eyes.

10. Describe Kanei.
Kanei had a long, calm face. He was skinny and always managed his hair.

11. Describe Alhaji.
Alhaji spoke with elaborate gestures. Him and Juma were friends.

12. Describe Jumah.
Juma always agreed with Alhaji. They always walked next to each other.

13. Describe Saidu and Moriba.
Saidu and Moriba were very quiet. They always sat next to each other away from the group.

14. Which one of these boys would you most likely identify with?
I think i would most likely relate to Alhaji.
15. After Ismeah finds more about the host, describe the host. Have you ever met someone that was super nice to you? Like they host to the boys.

16. When 12 men ran after their group of 7 what happened? Did they get caught?
They did get caught. Ishmael basically gave up and surrendered.

17. What did Ismeah do to surprise the chaser?
He stopped running and surrendered himself.

18. What did the chief of the village call the boys?
The cheif of the village called them devils.

19. What saved him from being killed?
The music that was in Ishmael's pockets saved their lives.
20. Tell me a time were you almost got killed or escaped a huge accident?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ch. 5 vocab

parched- to make dry, hot, or thirsty. walking in the heat, parched my throat.

portion- a part of any whole, either separated from or integrated with it. The lion ate his portion of the kill first.

remorse- deep and painful regret for wrongdoing. The serial killer showed no remorse at his sentencing.

scabbard- a sheath for a sword or the like. The pirate dropped his scabbard overboard.

internally- situated or existing in the interior of something. The doctors told her she was bleeding internally.

interrogate- to ask questions of (a person), sometimes to seek answers or information that the person questioned considers personal or secret. The detective took him to a small room to interrogate him.

ch. 10 vocab

Uncertain- not definitely ascertainable or fixed, as in time of occurrence, number, dimensions, or quality. She was uncertain of what she wanted to major in in college.

Slender- having a circumference that is small in proportion to the height or length. All the models were very slender.

Coaxed- to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc. The man tried to coax the pretty girl in the bar.

Admitted- to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to. She was admitted to the mental hospital after her suicide attempt.

Quarrel- an angry dispute or altercation; a disagreement marked by a temporary or permanent break in friendly relations. the best friends got into a quarrel over politics.

Obstructing- to block or close up with an obstacle; make difficult to pass. Gum was obstructing his airway.

ch.9 vocab

Simultaneously- existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent. He two favorite t.v. shows were on simultaneously.

Anesthesia- general or local insensibility, as to pain and other sensation, induced by certain interventions or drugs to permit the performance of surgery or other painful procedures. The anesthesia was bubble gum flavored.

Discouraged- to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit. the howls discouraged them from entering the forest.

Inevitable- unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary. The child inevitably began to cry when his mother went to work.

Succession- the coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events. The princess was the succession for the throne.

Subsided- to sink to a low or lower level. The laughter subsided when the teacher came in.

Attentively- characterized by or giving attention; observant. She watched her new born baby attentively.

Intricate- having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved. The antique rug had a very intricate design

ch. 8 vocab

Suitable- such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming. The dress she wore wasn't suitable for the occasion.

Familiarize- to make (onself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with something. The puppy wanted to familiarize himself with his new home.

Vicinity- the area or region near or about a place; surrounding district; neighborhood. The building was a no smoking vicinity.

Irresistibly- not resistible; incapable of being resisted or withstood. The chocolate cake was irresistibly tempting.

Hesitantly- hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined. She crossed the street hesitantly.

Medicinal- of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine; curative; remedial. She received a card for medicinal marijuana.

Visualize- to recall or form mental images or pictures. They were supposed to visualize their dreams.

Notorious- widely and unfavorably known. We went to go see Notorious B.I.G in concert before he died.

Lured- widely and unfavorably known. The sexual predator lured the little boys with candy.

ch. 7 vocab

Oblivious- unmindful; unconscious; unaware. The pop star was oblivious of her actions.

Vigorously- strong; active; robust. She cleaned vigorously.

Demanded- to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right. The cop demanded to know the truth.

Possibilities- the state or fact of being possible. There were few possibilities for her to survive.

Motioned- a bodily movement or change of posture; gesture. They motioned for her to turn left.

Thatched- to cover with or as if with thatch. the umbrella was thatched.

Mounted- seated or riding on a horse or other animal. The cowboy mounted the horse quickly.

Pretending- to cause or attempt to cause (what is not so) to seem so. The whole time they were just pretending to be her friend.

ch. 6 vocab

massacre- the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder. The monster massacred the whole town.

done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc., of one's own accord or by free choice. He was covicted of voluntary manslaughter.

a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. The story of the blind man was really a parable about life.

a thin vesicle on the skin, containing watery matter or serum, as from a burn or other injury. His burns turned into blisters.

the middle of the day; noon or the time centering around noon. Lunch was served around midday.

to swallow up in or as in a gulf; submerge. The fire engulfed the house within a half an hour.

Scouting- to find by seeking, searching. The colleges were their scouting players.

to feel pity or compassion for; be sorry for. The man pitied the orphaned puppies.

Occasional- occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals; occurring now and then. She suffered from occasional headaches.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009