Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ch. 8 ques.

1. Why do you think he was feeling someone is always after him? Can you relate?
He felt like someone was after him because he couldn't escape the danger and problems in the war.

2. What is always on his mind?
The things that he sees are always on his mind, they haunt him.

3. Describe his sleeping situation?
He is sleeping in any tree that he finds to be comfortable.

4. Describe what food kept him alive?
He eats a strange fruit that he doesn't know what it is. It is shaped like lemon and it was mixed with yellow and red.Inside it had a crusty watery seed.

5. Describe the medicine grandpa made. What does it do?
He made a medicine from ink made from another medicine. It helped him memorize important things before exams.

6. What was the most difficult part being in the forest?
The most difficult part of being in the forest is the loneliness.

7. Tell me a time when you wished you could stop thinking but you couldn’t?
Every night when I go to sleep i want to stop thinking.

8. Describe his life in the forest?
His life in the forest is very lonely. He sleeps in trees and tries to avoid the dangerous animals.

9. What drove his spirit alive?
I think the memories that he has of his family and his life before the war keeps his spirit alive.

10. How do they differentiate from what tribe each person is from?

Marks on their cheeks and their features showed what tribes they were from.

11. What does this mean, pg.55 “Our innocence had been replaced by the fear and we had become monsters”?
He means that they are no longer innocent kids, because everyone is scared of them.

12. Why were men with machetes after them often?
Because these were men that were trying to protect their villages.

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