Monday, July 6, 2009

ch. 2 vocab

1. Provisions- a supply or stock of something provided. The prisoner went through his weekly provisions too soon.
inmate Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Bitterness- resentful or cynical. There was bitterness between the parents following the divorce.
Divort Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Hysterical- of, pertaining to, or characterized by hysteria. The woman was hysterical in the hospital.
CRYiNG Pictures, Images and Photos

4. Pious- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations. He is a pious Catholic who would never dream of missing church.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Pictures, Images and Photos

5. Anguish- excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain. The young mother couldn't deal with the anguish of her son's death.
distraught blonde. (matchbox_icons) Pictures, Images and Photos

6. Console- to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment of; give solace or comfort. At the funeral, people were trying to console the widow.
dd Pictures, Images and Photos

7. Monotonous- lacking in variety; tediously unvarying. He was tired of his boring and monotonous life.
computer geek Pictures, Images and Photos

8. Scouring- to remove dirt, grease, etc., from or to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing, as with a rough or abrasive material. The maid was scouring the dirty dishes all night.
dirty dishes Pictures, Images and Photos

9. Truncheons- the club carried by a police officer; billy. During the riot, many people got beat with truncheons.
Police Pictures, Images and Photos

10. Auschwitz- a town in SW Poland: site of Nazi concentration camp during World War II. The old man was an SS at Auschwitz, but he never told anyone anything.
Soldier Pictures, Images and Photos

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